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The school is affiliated to the CENTERAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, New Delhi, an all-Indian Board. The school has classes from Nursery to XII. The academic year begins in the 1 st of April ry and Final Examinations are conducted in the 1 week of March. English is the medium of instruction throughout the school, Hindi,  is taught as 2nd Language. A third language is taught in the Middle School, for which an option between Hindi, sanskrit or urdu is available.


The school is affiliated to the centrral board of secondary education, New Delhi, India.

For the Class X cbse Examination the school offers a wide range of options. Apart from compulsory subject which include English, 2nd  Language, Social Studies & Environmental Education, a student is required to select 2 subjects from Group II – Mathematics, Science

At the CBSE (10 + 2) level a student may opt for the following streams:  Science and Commerce, in preparation for the school –leaving final  Board Examination. A large selection of subjects is offered at this level, English is compulsory subjects. Optional subjects may be selected from the following provided they fall into the subject combinations, offered under each steam of study: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, , Accounts, Economics, Commerce, Physical Education and 2nd Language.


The school Calendar that enlists the annual students’ programme itself proves the school’s endeavor to involve the students in various activities (other than academic) that help in developing their personalities to face the competitive world. To test the academic progress there will be the following examinations every year and the tentative date of examinations are as follows.

1st Terminal Examination - As per date sheet
2nd Terminal Examination - As per date sheet

75 percent attendance is a must to enable students to appear in any of the above mentioned examinations. Special arrangements cannot be made for pupils who remains absent from the main examinations or any part of them. Exception for special reasons including medical do exist. Answer scripts submitted by pupils will not be made available to parents or others. A pupil who fails to attain the required standard in all the required subjects will not be promoted to the next higher class. The annual examination is meant to confirm the result of the year’s work and promotions are therefore granted on the basis of the whole year’s performance. The decision of the school authorities with regard to promotion is final


Our faculty consists of a group of well qualified, experienced and dedicated teachers who have committed themselves to the noble task of bringing about all round development of the students along with academic excellence to equip them for their roles in a rapidly changing world.

Career Guidance:

We believe that while a child is in school, a teacher is expected to act as a substitute parent with all the normal forms of parental discipline open to them. We look into how a child develops the inner strength and character that endows his life with order and coherence. We try to build an independent man appropriate to a free republic of coequal citizens, capable of making decisions within a rational, self-consistent framework - a person treating and being treated with respect. Career guidance is imparted in each of the child to assist them in their choice of subject. Our Career guide also offers advice on course options after school. Team spirit and the desire to give the best performance possible are our watchwords. Glenhill Public School is a full fledged institution imparting the best possible education and all other related activities in building a nice career for each student. The new millennium has brought about a revolution in terms of career options. Guidance and counseling services are given utmost priority.


Co-curricular Activities:

The school offers a large variety of co-curricular activities for the physical and cultural development of the children including vocal classical music, folk dances, art, guitar, drums, dramatics etc. Other than these activities we have our regular inter – house competitions such as extempore, debates, elocutions, quiz, fete, games, etc. An annual sport is a regular annual feature. Our students take pride in a job well done. The school provides a wealth of opportunities for extracurricular pursuits. Boys find their niche and at the same time enjoy exploring uncharted domains. In the process, without their being aware of it, a different aspect of their personality emerges and is honed. We try to conduct various competitions and sports with all the nearby school which helps them match their standards with all the schools of the region. The students, including teachers, trek and camp at various predetermined routes chalked out in the Himalayas. A love for nature, a deep seated concern for the environment and a yearning for adventure are often the rewards harvested during these tours.

Character Building:

It has been observed internationally that pupils in a school benefit from their behavior i.e. if they possess good behavior they are an attractions to all hence we stress on improving it. High standards of behaviour are important in helping children to feel safe and learn well, and parents and school play a key part in this. We focus on promoting positive behaviour, helping to build self-discipline and encouraging respect for others. Our school reviews their behaviour policies regularly and publicizes them to parents, staff and pupils. Rules on conduct apply before and after school as well as during the school day. They can set expectations for how pupils will behave in corridors, in boarding bus, in queues and at lunch and break times as well as in the classroom.


We have counselors who have vast experience in working with children; the classes cover most of the issues concerning teenagers and life in a boarding school. Interactive yet informative, they do our boys a world of good. The boys get an avenue to express themselves freely and values are also imparted alongside. The counselor is available 24x7, and he also plays cricket with the boys! The emotional upheavals and uncertainties of adolescence along with major and minor irritants are dealt with effectively by him.

Provides personal counseling for self referred, referred students
Provide social and emotional assessment to identify student needs and develop interventions and prevention programme
Provide skill to tackle with different situations like conflict resolution, relationship, health, stress and managing pressure.
Individual and group sessions are offered to students to consult the counselors

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